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Basic Painting Kits – Equipment Focus – April 2024 blog post #3 of 6

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Equipment Focus with Paul Taggart Artist Author Presenter Producer - art tutorials in Oils Watercolours Acrylics Pastels

“As you will have read in Post#1 of this blog-set, we have always, felt a responsibility to make my tutorials meaningful and that we should aim to provide the essential painting guide.

Firstly, a well-structured overall plan for the journey in Oils, Watercolours, Acrylics and Pastels – covering three fundamentals – [1] Equipment [2] Method [3] Technique/s.


Secondly, detailed, step-by-step demonstrations with running commentary, which gently guide the viewer to understanding the equipment, the method and the techniques that will help them develop their painting repertoire – withholding nothing, sharing everything (including mistakes/accidents and how to correct them).

Equipment Focus for Oils with Paul Taggart Artist Author Presenter Producer - painting kit

There really is no need to purchase a vast array of costly painting materials to create artworks, whatever the medium – what is important, is knowing how to exploit your equipment to get the maximum from it.

Equipment Focus for Watercolours with Paul Taggart Artist Author Presenter Producer - painting kit

Take watercolours for instance, I use one large round brush to paint with – by manipulating the brush-head, it can produce a variety of strokes, from the finest lines to the widest rounded, or flattened marks.

The main tools that I use for my tutorial demonstrations in ‘Learn to Enjoy Painting with Paul Taggart’ and ‘Painting Topical Techniques with Paul Taggart’.


I work with a basic painting kit, because we want to show how to make the most of your brushes and paints (for wet media) and, paper-wipers and sticks of colour (for pastels).

Equipment Focus for Acrylics with Paul Taggart Artist Author Presenter Producer painting kit

By keeping the number of tools down to a minimum, I can demonstrate how to exploit these to their maximum potential. Adding to the core painting kit comes naturally, in the fulness of time, as and when developing new methods and techniques.

We do not talk of brands. What we do, is describe a specific tool, its function, how to use it and how to get the most out of it. Each box-set comprises a suite of videos - each video covering one specific painting tool.


Equipment Focus for Pastels with Paul Taggart Artist Author Presenter Producer - painting kit

For wet media i.e. Oils, Watercolours and Acrylics – the basics and function of paints, brushes, palettes, mediums and any additional media-specific tools that are required to start with.

For pastels – the basics and function of pastel sticks, paper wipers, erasing knife, fixative, surfaces.

Click here to browse through the current catalogue of box-sets listed on our artworkshopwithpaul tutorials page, where you will find posters for the following strands and series dedicated to each of the four principal media - Oils : Watercolours : Acrylics : Pastels  with a separate series covering Colour Mixing.

Click on any poster to watch the trailer for the corresponding box-set.

Click on the Vimeo icon to discover the VOD page - watch this video to find your way around artworkshopwithpaul on Vimeo.

Click on the Patreon icon to discover the Collections page. - watch this video to find your way around artworkshopwithpaul on Patreon.


We look forward to your company and, as always, send best wishes, from Eileen and myself,”


Paul Taggart

Artist, Author, Presenter, Producer


NOTE : This blog post contains information pertaining to Paul W. Taggart and Eileen M. Tunnell and may contain copyrighted material. It should be read as protected by International Copyright law and DMCA.

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